+90 232 445 77 35  cizgi üst   info@eyco.com.tr


Hazelnuts have been consumed by humans since prehistoric times. Evidence of the cultivation of hazelnuts exists in excavations sites in China that date back over 5,000 years ago. An ancient manuscript also listed hazelnuts as one of China’s five sacred foods.

Hazelnuts were used in remedies for various illnesses and ailments. Greek physicians would recommend crushed hazelnuts to cure coughs and the common cold. Ground hazelnuts mixed with bear grease was apparently a cure for baldness. In Greek mythology, Mercury, the son of Jupiter, received a winged wand made of hazel wood which would help the wielder express their thoughts through words. The hazel rod entwined with two serpents became a symbol of communication.

Good for your health

Promotes Heart Health
Helps Manage Diabetes
Is filled with Antioxidants
Boosts the Brain
Helps Prevent Cancer
Combats Obesity
Contributes to Healthy Skin and Hair

Can be packed in

Nylon Bags (25/50/80 Kg)
Vacuum bags (5/10/12.5/20/25 Kg)
Big Bags (500/800/1000 Kg)

hazelnut chart


 +90 232 445 77 35


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Bornova- Izmir- TURKEY

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